Automated Nucleic Acid Purification and QPCR System

The Galaxy Automated Nucleic Acid Purification and QPCR System consists of Intelligent Cassette ( iCassette ), and Galaxy Pro or Galaxy Nano instrument platform. The system can intelligently complete the whole process: extraction, purification, QPCR amplification and result analysis, realized the integrated and fully enclosed QPCR detection.


Users only need to load samples (blood, serum, essential substances, urine, tissues, and etc.) into the system; system can recognize sample type and protocol, then receive multiplex QPCR result automatically. Achieve “sample in, result out”, reduce manual operation steps.


Performs nucleic acid extraction, amplification, and detection all in one instrument. No need for supporting equipments, such as a centrifuge, biosafety cabinet, refrigerator, and etc, saving the overall equipment investment.

Fully Enclosed

Pollution free, biosafety guaranteed, no need for PCR lab. Our product saves lab space and lab construction investment.

Multiplex QPCR Detection

7 color fluorescent channels for multiplex detection.

Rapid Detection

1-2 hours to get results, shorten turn-around time.


The Galaxy Intelligent Cassette ( iCassette ) innovatively integrates all the experimental reagents, procedures, and laboratory environments required for nucleic acid extraction, purification, and PCR amplification into a small fully enclosed cassette. Users only need to load samples (blood, serum, components, urine, tissues, etc.); and then initiate the processes of nucleic acid extraction, purification, and QPCR amplification in the iCassette.

  • Magnetic bead transfer structure and process technology (Invention Patent)
  • Material distributed mixing device structure and technology (Invention Patent)
  • Solid material transfer + microfluidic technology
  • Fully enclosed, fully automatic, no need for manual operation
  • Extraction of proteins and nucleic acids from complex biological samples (blood, urine, serum, plants, milk, etc.)
  • Patented freeze-drying technology. Preloading reagent
  • No need for freezer storage or transportation


The Galaxy series is an intelligent, fully enclosed, and integrated system, enabling users to use it in different scenarios. It has high sensitivity and QPCR specificity. At the same time, it ensures easy use in the simplest experimental environments, eliminates PCR laboratory contamination, and guarantees biosafety.

We strive with our utmost best

to achieve excellence!

Our honors

By December 2020, Igenesis has applied 80 patents with 51 issued, including 9 invention patents. The company has applied for 5 international PCT and 20 trademarks(with 11 issued).



Our strength

In 2018, Igenesis biology and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention jointly undertook the project of multi-center evaluation of multiple diagnostic technologies for tuberculosis in the 13th five-year National Science and Technology Major Project, “Prevention and treatment of AIDS, viral hepatitis and other major infectious diseases”. Igenesis’s IGS TB/RIF Lite product participated in the project.


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